Specific LDAP implementations supported

Out of the box, our “server” class ObjectStore supports searching, adding, updating and deleting objects like a regular LDAP server.

Real LDAP implementations (Redhat Directory Server, 389, openldap, Active Directory) can have special behavior and side-effects that you may need to support in order to run your tests properly.

Currently, we support some special behavior for one implementation: Redhat Directory Server/389.

Redhat Directory Server/389

To get these behaviors, add the 389 tag to your ObjectStore:

>>> store = ObjectStore(tags=['389'])

In LDAPFakerMixin, apply the tags with like this for a single, default server:

import unittest
from ldap_faker import LDAPFakerMixin

class TestDefaultTaggedServer(LDAPFakerMixin, unittest.TestCase):

    ldap_modules = ['myapp']
    ldap_fixtures = ('data.json', ['389'])

Or like this for a named server:

import unittest
from ldap_faker import LDAPFakerMixin

class TestDefaultTaggedServer(LDAPFakerMixin, unittest.TestCase):

    ldap_modules = ['myapp']
    ldap_fixtures = [
        ('server1.json', 'ldap://server1', ['389']),

Features supported

Operational attributes

  • entryid

  • nsUniqueId

  • entrydn

  • createTimestamp

  • modifyTimestamp

  • creatorName

  • modifierName

These work like they should in RHDS/389. They are not returned unless specifically asked for during searches, and they are read-only. The timestamps and names will be updated automatically.

nsrole and nsroledn

User objects support the nsroledn (writeable) and nsrole (read-only) attributes. Adding a DN to nsroledn makes it appear automatically in nsrole, and any objects with `objectClass of ldapsubentry will affect nsrole as it does in RHDS/389.

nsrole and nsroledn are operational attributes; they must be specifically requested during searches.


In RHDS/389, users do not seem to be identified by objectclass. We’re simulating this by assuming that any object with a userPassword attribute on it is a user.


The three ldapsubentry objectclasses are supported and behave as they do in RHDS/389:

  • nsManagedRoleDefinition: does nothing when added or removed

  • nsNestedRoleDefinition: user objects will gain the proper DN if they match one of this object’s nsroledn entries.

  • nsFilteredRoleDefinition: user objects will gain the proper DN if they match this object’s nsRoleFilter.